We eat a lot more meat in Denmark today than we used to. Just a few generations ago Danes had a more plant-rich diet, and that’s what we need to go back to.
The key to achieving this change, is for the food sector to work on taste, nutrition and food quality to give us the drive to make new choices and, ultimately, form new habits.
Building a strong domestic market for plant-based foods will reduce the climate footprint of Danish people, but will also help Danish companies to achieve a stronger position in the export market.
We want the Danish plant-based food sector to be a global leader, but the sector has a long way to go as there are a number of areas that are still in the experimental phase.
The Plant-Based Food Grant can for instance be granted to businesses, organisations, and research and knowledge dissemination institutions. At least half of the Grant’s resources are intended for projects related to organic plant-based foods.
The Plant-Based Food Grant is led by a Board of Directors, that, based on nominations made by a number of organisations and associations, is appointed by the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The Board of Directors is supported by a secretariat based in Landbrugsstyrelsen (the Danish Agricultural Agency).
The Plant-Based Food Grant’s Board of Directors has developed a strategy for the Grant, which identifies three strategic areas of development that will guide the Grant’s activities towards 2023. The strategic development areas are Stimulating Demand, Stimulating Supply, and Building Sectoral Bridges.